Our team will be traveling all around the continent! Make sure you take the time to come and meet us to discover our great products.
January 24th & 25th - Fish Canada/Work Boat Canada, Moncton (NB)
January 30th & 31st - Sea Farmer Conference 2014, Halifax (NS)
January 28th, 29th,30th - Congrès de l'AQIP - Québec (QC)
February 11th, 12th & 13th - Cold Harvest 2014, Gander (NF)
February 27th, 28th& March 1st - Maine's Fishermen Forum & Tradeshow 2014, Rockport Maine USA
March 16th to 18th - International Boston Seafood Show, Boston USA
June 1st to 4th - Aquaculture Canada 2014, St. Andrews (NB)
September 18th to 21st - PEI International Shellfish Festival, Charlottetown (PE)
October 22nd to 25th - Aqua Sur 2014 - Puerto Montt, Chile
Contact us to make sure we don't miss the chance of meeting you.